Thursday, January 7, 2010

Molly Arrives!

For someone who spends the majority of time behind the camera, she does a pretty good job in front of it.
Molly hopped off a plane from Seattle late last night and met me over at my kitchen in downtown Brooklyn. Like every other long distance family member, molly made sure her first priority upon seeing me was to eat as many stray cupcakes as possible. It was a cruel trick on my part to move 3000 miles away and open up a cupcake catering I understand.
I'm not sure what I was more impressed with, the fact that she ate 6 cupcakes in ten minutes, or her amazing banana dance. What's a banana dance you say? Oh, this is the dance that molly does after every time she eats one of my banana cupcakes. It looks similar to the dance Ricky Gervais does in The Office.

Molly's visiting because she has a few pieces up in a really great gallery opening this evening. If there are any photography lovers out there who live in New York, you should definitely swing by and say hello! We'll be there from beginning to end. :)

January 7th 6pm-10pm
Hous Projects
31 howard street, 2nd floor
new york, ny 10013


1 comment:

Amelia Tovey said...

um... adorable. wish i could have been there x