Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cupcake delivery gone awry!!

Today as I gazed out the window to 19inches of snow covering brooklyn I claimed, "the snow can not win!! People need their cupcakes!" With this in mind I hopped in my car and drove all over manhattan and downtown Brooklyn with no problem. I approached Dumbo for my last delivery and discovered there was a serious lack of snow plows in the area. Feeling good I thought, "not a problem! I'm not going to get stuck!".........I did. Luckily it was only a few blocks from the party we were catering, so in the 2 hours it took the tow truck to get there I was able to (in flimsy converse mind you) walk over 300 cupcakes to the venue and set them up before the party started. The show must go on!

Here's a little funny video of me and my very loyal helper Bill getting hoisted up on a tow truck. I got a pretty big kick out of it.

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